Uses of Class

Packages that use TopChildrenQueryBuilder

Uses of TopChildrenQueryBuilder in org.elasticsearch.index.query

Methods in org.elasticsearch.index.query that return TopChildrenQueryBuilder
 TopChildrenQueryBuilder TopChildrenQueryBuilder.boost(float boost)
          Sets the boost for this query.
 TopChildrenQueryBuilder TopChildrenQueryBuilder.factor(int factor)
          Controls the multiplication factor of the initial hits required from the child query over the main query request.
 TopChildrenQueryBuilder TopChildrenQueryBuilder.incrementalFactor(int incrementalFactor)
          Sets the incremental factor when the query needs to be re-run in order to fetch more results.
 TopChildrenQueryBuilder TopChildrenQueryBuilder.scope(String scope)
          The scope of the query, which can later be used, for example, to run facets against the child docs that matches the query.
 TopChildrenQueryBuilder TopChildrenQueryBuilder.score(String score)
          How to compute the score.
static TopChildrenQueryBuilder QueryBuilders.topChildrenQuery(String type, QueryBuilder query)
          Constructs a new scoring child query, with the child type and the query to run on the child documents.

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