Uses of Class

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix

Method parameters in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix with type arguments of type Node
 void NodeTokenStream.setNodes(List<Node> nodes)
          Sets the Nodes that will be converted into their indexable form

Uses of Node in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree that return Node
abstract  Node SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
 Node QuadPrefixTree.getNode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
 Node GeohashPrefixTree.getNode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
 Node SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len, Node target)
protected  Node SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point p, int level)
 Node QuadPrefixTree.getNode(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point p, int level)
 Node GeohashPrefixTree.getNode(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point p, int level)
abstract  Node SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(String token)
          The cell for the specified token.
 Node QuadPrefixTree.getNode(String token)
 Node GeohashPrefixTree.getNode(String token)
abstract  Node Node.getSubCell(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point p)
          Performant implementations are expected to implement this efficiently by considering the current cell's boundary.
 Node SpatialPrefixTree.getWorldNode()
          Returns the level 0 cell which encompasses all spatial data.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree that return types with arguments of type Node
 List<Node> SpatialPrefixTree.getNodes(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape shape, int detailLevel, boolean inclParents)
          Gets the intersecting & including cells for the specified shape, without exceeding detail level.
 List<Node> QuadPrefixTree.getNodes(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape shape, int detailLevel, boolean inclParents)
 List<Node> GeohashPrefixTree.getNodes(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape shape, int detailLevel, boolean inclParents)
protected  List<Node> SpatialPrefixTree.getNodesAltPoint(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point p, int detailLevel, boolean inclParents)
          Subclasses might override SpatialPrefixTree.getNodes(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape, int, boolean) and check if the argument is a shape and if so, delegate to this implementation, which calls SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point, int) and then calls SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(String) repeatedly if inclParents is true.
protected abstract  Collection<Node> Node.getSubCells()
          Gets the cells at the next grid cell level that cover this cell.
 Collection<Node> Node.getSubCells(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape shapeFilter)
          Like getSubCells() but with the results filtered by a shape.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree with parameters of type Node
 int Node.compareTo(Node o)
 Node SpatialPrefixTree.getNode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len, Node target)

Method parameters in org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree with type arguments of type Node
static List<String> SpatialPrefixTree.nodesToTokenStrings(Collection<Node> nodes)
          Will add the trailing leaf byte for leaves.

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