Uses of Class

Packages that use ErrorsException
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal Guice (sounds like like "juice") 

Uses of ErrorsException in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal that return ErrorsException
 ErrorsException Errors.toException()

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal that throw ErrorsException
<T> T
Errors.checkForNull(T value, Object source, Dependency<?> dependency)
          Returns value if it is non-null allowed to be null.
protected abstract  V FailableCache.create(K key, Errors errors)
 Object ConstructionContext.createProxy(Errors errors, Class<?> expectedType)
 T InternalFactory.get(Errors errors, InternalContext context, Dependency<?> dependency)
          Creates an object to be injected.
 V FailableCache.get(K key, Errors errors)
static Key<?> Annotations.getKey(TypeLiteral<?> type, Member member, Annotation[] annotations, Errors errors)
          Gets a key for the given type, member and annotations.
 void Errors.throwIfNewErrors(int expectedSize)

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