Uses of Class

Packages that use UpdateRequest
org.elasticsearch.client The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.   

Uses of UpdateRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.update

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.update that return UpdateRequest
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.addScriptParam(String name, Object value)
          Add a script parameter.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.consistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel)
          Sets the consistency level of write.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(byte[] source)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(byte[] source, int offset, int length)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(IndexRequest doc)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(Map source)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(Map source, XContentType contentType)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(String source)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.doc(XContentBuilder source)
          Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.fields(String... fields)
          Explicitly specify the fields that will be returned.
 UpdateRequest id)
          Sets the id of the indexed document.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.index(String index)
          Sets the index the document will exists on.
protected  UpdateRequest TransportUpdateAction.newRequest()
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.parent(String parent)
          Sets the parent id of this document.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.percolate(String percolate)
          Causes the update request document to be percolated.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.refresh(boolean refresh)
          Should a refresh be executed post this update operation causing the operation to be searchable.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.replicationType(ReplicationType replicationType)
          Sets the replication type.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.retryOnConflict(int retryOnConflict)
          Sets the number of retries of a version conflict occurs because the document was updated between getting it and updating it.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.routing(String routing)
          Controls the shard routing of the request.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.script(String script)
          The script to execute.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.script(String script, Map<String,Object> scriptParams)
          The script to execute.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.script(String script, String scriptLang, Map<String,Object> scriptParams)
          The script to execute.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.scriptLang(String scriptLang)
          The language of the script to execute.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.scriptParams(Map<String,Object> scriptParams)
          Sets the script parameters to use with the script.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.source(byte[] source)
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.source(byte[] source, int offset, int length)
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.source(BytesReference source)
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.source(XContentBuilder source)
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.timeout(String timeout)
          A timeout to wait if the index operation can't be performed immediately.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.timeout(TimeValue timeout)
          A timeout to wait if the index operation can't be performed immediately.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.type(String type)
          Sets the type of the indexed document.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(byte[] source)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(byte[] source, int offset, int length)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(IndexRequest upsertRequest)
          Sets the index request to be used if the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(Map source)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(Map source, XContentType contentType)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(String source)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
 UpdateRequest UpdateRequest.upsert(XContentBuilder source)
          Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.update with parameters of type UpdateRequest
protected  ClusterBlockException TransportUpdateAction.checkGlobalBlock(ClusterState state, UpdateRequest request)
protected  ClusterBlockException TransportUpdateAction.checkRequestBlock(ClusterState state, UpdateRequest request)
protected  GetResult TransportUpdateAction.extractGetResult(UpdateRequest request, long version, Map<String,Object> source, XContentType sourceContentType, BytesReference sourceAsBytes)
protected  boolean TransportUpdateAction.resolveRequest(ClusterState state, UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener)
protected  void TransportUpdateAction.shardOperation(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener)
protected  void TransportUpdateAction.shardOperation(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener, int retryCount)
protected  ShardIterator TransportUpdateAction.shards(ClusterState clusterState, UpdateRequest request)

Uses of UpdateRequest in org.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type UpdateRequest
 ActionFuture<UpdateResponse> Client.update(UpdateRequest request)
          Updates a document based on a script.
 void Client.update(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener)
          Updates a document based on a script.

Uses of UpdateRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type UpdateRequest
 ActionFuture<UpdateResponse> AbstractClient.update(UpdateRequest request)
 void AbstractClient.update(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener)

Uses of UpdateRequest in org.elasticsearch.client.transport

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client.transport with parameters of type UpdateRequest
 ActionFuture<UpdateResponse> TransportClient.update(UpdateRequest request)
 void TransportClient.update(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener)

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