Uses of Class

Packages that use DeleteRequest
org.elasticsearch.action.delete Delete action. 
org.elasticsearch.client The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.   

Uses of DeleteRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.bulk

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.bulk with parameters of type DeleteRequest
 BulkProcessor BulkProcessor.add(DeleteRequest request)
          Adds an DeleteRequest to the list of actions to execute.
 BulkRequestBuilder BulkRequestBuilder.add(DeleteRequest request)
          Adds an DeleteRequest to the list of actions to execute.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(DeleteRequest request)
          Adds an DeleteRequest to the list of actions to execute.

Uses of DeleteRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.delete

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.delete that return DeleteRequest
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.consistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel)
          Sets the consistency level of write.
 DeleteRequest id)
          Sets the id of the document to delete.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.index(String index)
          Sets the index the delete will happen on.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.listenerThreaded(boolean threadedListener)
          Should the listener be called on a separate thread if needed.
protected  DeleteRequest TransportDeleteAction.newReplicaRequestInstance()
protected  DeleteRequest TransportDeleteAction.newRequestInstance()
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.operationThreaded(boolean threadedOperation)
          Controls if the operation will be executed on a separate thread when executed locally.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.parent(String parent)
          Sets the parent id of this document.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.refresh(boolean refresh)
          Should a refresh be executed post this index operation causing the operation to be searchable.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.replicationType(ReplicationType replicationType)
          Set the replication type for this operation.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.routing(String routing)
          Controls the shard routing of the request.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.timeout(TimeValue timeout)
          A timeout to wait if the index operation can't be performed immediately.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.type(String type)
          Sets the type of the document to delete.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.version(long version)
          Sets the version, which will cause the delete operation to only be performed if a matching version exists and no changes happened on the doc since then.
 DeleteRequest DeleteRequest.versionType(VersionType versionType)

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.delete that return types with arguments of type DeleteRequest
protected  TransportShardReplicationOperationAction.PrimaryResponse<DeleteResponse,DeleteRequest> TransportDeleteAction.shardOperationOnPrimary(ClusterState clusterState, TransportShardReplicationOperationAction.PrimaryOperationRequest shardRequest)

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.delete with parameters of type DeleteRequest
protected  ClusterBlockException TransportDeleteAction.checkGlobalBlock(ClusterState state, DeleteRequest request)
protected  ClusterBlockException TransportDeleteAction.checkRequestBlock(ClusterState state, DeleteRequest request)
protected  void TransportDeleteAction.doExecute(DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener)
protected  boolean TransportDeleteAction.resolveRequest(ClusterState state, DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener)
protected  ShardIterator TransportDeleteAction.shards(ClusterState clusterState, DeleteRequest request)

Uses of DeleteRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.delete.index

Constructors in org.elasticsearch.action.delete.index with parameters of type DeleteRequest
IndexDeleteRequest(DeleteRequest request)

Uses of DeleteRequest in org.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client that return DeleteRequest
static DeleteRequest Requests.deleteRequest(String index)
          Creates a delete request against a specific index.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type DeleteRequest
 ActionFuture<DeleteResponse> Client.delete(DeleteRequest request)
          Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.
 void Client.delete(DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener)
          Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.

Uses of DeleteRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type DeleteRequest
 ActionFuture<DeleteResponse> AbstractClient.delete(DeleteRequest request)
 void AbstractClient.delete(DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener)

Uses of DeleteRequest in org.elasticsearch.client.transport

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client.transport with parameters of type DeleteRequest
 ActionFuture<DeleteResponse> TransportClient.delete(DeleteRequest request)
 void TransportClient.delete(DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener)

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