Uses of Class

Packages that use CountRequestBuilder
org.elasticsearch.action.count Count action. 
org.elasticsearch.client The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.   

Uses of CountRequestBuilder in org.elasticsearch.action.count

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.count that return CountRequestBuilder
 CountRequestBuilder CountAction.newRequestBuilder(Client client)
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setIgnoreIndices(IgnoreIndices ignoreIndices)
          Specifies what type of requested indices to ignore.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setIndices(String... indices)
          Sets the indices the count query will run against.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setListenerThreaded(boolean threadedListener)
          Should the listener be called on a separate thread if needed.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setMinScore(float minScore)
          The minimum score of the documents to include in the count.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setOperationThreading(BroadcastOperationThreading operationThreading)
          Controls the operation threading model.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setQuery(byte[] querySource)
          The query source to execute.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setQuery(BytesReference querySource)
          The query source to execute.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setQuery(BytesReference querySource, boolean unsafe)
          The query source to execute.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setQuery(QueryBuilder queryBuilder)
          The query source to execute.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setQueryHint(String queryHint)
          A query hint to optionally later be used when routing the request.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setRouting(String... routing)
          The routing values to control the shards that the search will be executed on.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setRouting(String routing)
          A comma separated list of routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on.
 CountRequestBuilder CountRequestBuilder.setTypes(String... types)
          The types of documents the query will run against.

Uses of CountRequestBuilder in org.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client that return CountRequestBuilder
 CountRequestBuilder Client.prepareCount(String... indices)
          A count of all the documents matching a specific query.

Uses of CountRequestBuilder in

Methods in that return CountRequestBuilder
 CountRequestBuilder AbstractClient.prepareCount(String... indices)

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