Uses of Class

Packages that use BulkRequest
org.elasticsearch.client The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.   

Uses of BulkRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.bulk

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.bulk that return BulkRequest
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(ActionRequest... requests)
          Adds a list of requests to be executed.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(byte[] data, int from, int length, boolean contentUnsafe)
          Adds a framed data in binary format
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(byte[] data, int from, int length, boolean contentUnsafe, String defaultIndex, String defaultType)
          Adds a framed data in binary format
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(BytesReference data, boolean contentUnsafe, String defaultIndex, String defaultType)
          Adds a framed data in binary format
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(DeleteRequest request)
          Adds an DeleteRequest to the list of actions to execute.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(IndexRequest request)
          Adds an IndexRequest to the list of actions to execute.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.add(Iterable<ActionRequest> requests)
          Adds a list of requests to be executed.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.consistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel)
          Sets the consistency level of write.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.listenerThreaded(boolean listenerThreaded)
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.refresh(boolean refresh)
          Should a refresh be executed post this bulk operation causing the operations to be searchable.
 BulkRequest BulkRequest.replicationType(ReplicationType replicationType)
          Set the replication type for this operation.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.bulk with parameters of type BulkRequest
 void BulkProcessor.Listener.afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, BulkResponse response)
          Callback after a successful execution of bulk request.
 void BulkProcessor.Listener.afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, Throwable failure)
          Callback after a failed execution of bulk request.
 void BulkProcessor.Listener.beforeBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request)
          Callback before the bulk is executed.
protected  void TransportBulkAction.doExecute(BulkRequest bulkRequest, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener)

Uses of BulkRequest in org.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client that return BulkRequest
static BulkRequest Requests.bulkRequest()
          Creats a new bulk request.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type BulkRequest
 ActionFuture<BulkResponse> Client.bulk(BulkRequest request)
          Executes a bulk of index / delete operations.
 void Client.bulk(BulkRequest request, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener)
          Executes a bulk of index / delete operations.

Uses of BulkRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type BulkRequest
 ActionFuture<BulkResponse> AbstractClient.bulk(BulkRequest request)
 void AbstractClient.bulk(BulkRequest request, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener)

Uses of BulkRequest in org.elasticsearch.client.transport

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client.transport with parameters of type BulkRequest
 ActionFuture<BulkResponse> TransportClient.bulk(BulkRequest request)
 void TransportClient.bulk(BulkRequest request, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener)

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