Uses of Class

Packages that use CreateIndexRequest
org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create Create index action. 
org.elasticsearch.client The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.   

Uses of CreateIndexRequest in org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create that return CreateIndexRequest
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.cause(String cause)
          The cause for this index creation.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.custom(IndexMetaData.Custom custom)
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.index(String index)
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.mapping(String type, Map source)
          Adds mapping that will be added when the index gets created.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.mapping(String type, String source)
          Adds mapping that will be added when the index gets created.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.mapping(String type, XContentBuilder source)
          Adds mapping that will be added when the index gets created.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue timeout)
          A timeout value in case the master has not been discovered yet or disconnected.
protected  CreateIndexRequest TransportCreateIndexAction.newRequest()
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.settings(Map source)
          The settings to crete the index with (either json/yaml/properties format)
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.settings(Settings.Builder settings)
          The settings to created the index with.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.settings(Settings settings)
          The settings to created the index with.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.settings(String source)
          The settings to crete the index with (either json/yaml/properties format)
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.settings(XContentBuilder builder)
          Allows to set the settings using a json builder.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(byte[] source)
          Sets the settings and mappings as a single source.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(byte[] source, int offset, int length)
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(BytesReference source)
          Sets the settings and mappings as a single source.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(Map<String,Object> source)
          Sets the settings and mappings as a single source.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(String source)
          Sets the settings and mappings as a single source.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.source(XContentBuilder source)
          Sets the settings and mappings as a single source.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.timeout(String timeout)
          Timeout to wait for the index creation to be acknowledged by current cluster nodes.
 CreateIndexRequest CreateIndexRequest.timeout(TimeValue timeout)
          Timeout to wait for the index creation to be acknowledged by current cluster nodes.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create with parameters of type CreateIndexRequest
protected  ClusterBlockException TransportCreateIndexAction.checkBlock(CreateIndexRequest request, ClusterState state)
protected  CreateIndexResponse TransportCreateIndexAction.masterOperation(CreateIndexRequest request, ClusterState state)

Uses of CreateIndexRequest in org.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client that return CreateIndexRequest
static CreateIndexRequest Requests.createIndexRequest(String index)
          Creates a create index request.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type CreateIndexRequest
 ActionFuture<CreateIndexResponse> IndicesAdminClient.create(CreateIndexRequest request)
          Creates an index using an explicit request allowing to specify the settings of the index.
 void IndicesAdminClient.create(CreateIndexRequest request, ActionListener<CreateIndexResponse> listener)
          Creates an index using an explicit request allowing to specify the settings of the index.

Uses of CreateIndexRequest in

Methods in with parameters of type CreateIndexRequest
 ActionFuture<CreateIndexResponse> AbstractIndicesAdminClient.create(CreateIndexRequest request)
 void AbstractIndicesAdminClient.create(CreateIndexRequest request, ActionListener<CreateIndexResponse> listener)

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