Uses of Class

Packages that use GeoDistanceFacetBuilder   

Uses of GeoDistanceFacetBuilder in

Methods in that return GeoDistanceFacetBuilder
static GeoDistanceFacetBuilder FacetBuilders.geoDistanceFacet(String facetName)

Uses of GeoDistanceFacetBuilder in

Methods in that return GeoDistanceFacetBuilder
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.addRange(double from, double to)
          Adds a range entry with explicit from and to.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.addUnboundedFrom(double to)
          Adds a range entry with explicit to and unbounded from.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.addUnboundedTo(double from)
          Adds a range entry with explicit from and unbounded to.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.facetFilter(FilterBuilder filter)
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.field(String fieldName)
          The geo point field that will be used to extract the document location(s).
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.geoDistance(GeoDistance geoDistance)
          The geo distance type used to compute the distance.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.geohash(String geohash)
          The geohash of the geo point to create the range distance facets from.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder global)
          Marks the facet to run in a global scope, not bounded by any query.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.lang(String lang)
          The language of the valueScript(String) script.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder lat)
          The latitude to create the range distance facets from.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.lon(double lon)
          The longitude to create the range distance facets from.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.nested(String nested)
          Sets the nested path the facet will execute on.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.point(double lat, double lon)
          The point to create the range distance facets from.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.scope(String scope)
          Marks the facet to run in a specific scope.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.scriptParam(String name, Object value)
          Parameters for valueScript(String) to improve performance when executing the same script with different parameters.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.unit(DistanceUnit unit)
          The distance unit to use.
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.valueField(String valueFieldName)
          A custom value field (numeric) that will be used to provide aggregated data for each facet (for example, total).
 GeoDistanceFacetBuilder GeoDistanceFacetBuilder.valueScript(String valueScript)
          A custom value script (result is numeric) that will be used to provide aggregated data for each facet (for example, total).

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