Uses of Class

Packages that use Key
org.elasticsearch.common.inject Google Guice (pronounced "juice") is an ultra-lightweight dependency injection framework. 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.binder Interfaces which make up Binder's expression language. 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal Guice (sounds like like "juice") 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi Guice service provider interface 

Uses of Key in org.elasticsearch.common.inject

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject that return Key
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(Class<T> type)
          Gets a key for an injection type.
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(Class<T> type, Annotation annotation)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(Class<T> type, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
static Key<?> Key.get(Type type)
          Gets a key for an injection type.
static Key<?> Key.get(Type type, Annotation annotation)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
static Key<?> Key.get(Type type, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral)
          Gets a key for an injection type.
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, Annotation annotation)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
<T> Key<T>
Key.get(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
 Key<T> Binding.getKey()
          Returns the key for this binding.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject that return types with arguments of type Key
 Map<Key<?>,Binding<?>> Injector.getBindings()
          Returns all explicit bindings.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject with parameters of type Key
<T> LinkedBindingBuilder<T>
PrivateModule.bind(Key<T> key)
<T> LinkedBindingBuilder<T>
Binder.bind(Key<T> key)
          See the EDSL examples at Binder.
<T> LinkedBindingBuilder<T>
AbstractModule.bind(Key<T> key)
 void PrivateBinder.expose(Key<?> key)
          Makes the binding for key available to the enclosing environment
<T> void
PrivateModule.expose(Key<T> key)
          Makes the binding for key available to other modules and the injector.
static Binding<?> Injectors.getBinding(Injector injector, Key<?> key)
          Returns the binding for the given key or null if there is no such binding
<T> Binding<T>
Injector.getBinding(Key<T> key)
          Returns the binding for the given injection key.
<T> T
Injector.getInstance(Key<T> key)
          Returns the appropriate instance for the given injection key; equivalent to getProvider(key).get().
<T> Class<?>
Injectors.getKeyType(Key<?> key)
          Returns the key type of the given key
<T> Provider<T>
PrivateModule.getProvider(Key<T> key)
<T> Provider<T>
Injector.getProvider(Key<T> key)
          Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection key.
<T> Provider<T>
Binder.getProvider(Key<T> key)
          Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection key.
<T> Provider<T>
AbstractModule.getProvider(Key<T> key)
static boolean Injectors.hasBinding(Injector injector, Key<?> key)
          Returns true if a binding exists for the given key
protected  void PrivateModule.requireBinding(Key<?> key)
          Instructs Guice to require a binding to the given key.
protected  void AbstractModule.requireBinding(Key<?> key)
          Adds a dependency from this module to key.
<T> Provider<T>
Scope.scope(Key<T> key, Provider<T> unscoped)
          Scopes a provider.

Uses of Key in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.binder

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.binder with parameters of type Key
 ScopedBindingBuilder<? extends T> targetKey)
          See the EDSL examples at Binder.
 ScopedBindingBuilder LinkedBindingBuilder.toProvider(Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> providerKey)
          See the EDSL examples at Binder.

Uses of Key in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal

Fields in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal declared as Key
protected static Key<?> AbstractBindingBuilder.NULL_KEY

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal that return Key
 Key<T> ProviderMethod.getKey()
 Key<?> ExposureBuilder.getKey()
 Key<T> BindingImpl.getKey()
static Key<?> Annotations.getKey(TypeLiteral<?> type, Member member, Annotation[] annotations, Errors errors)
          Gets a key for the given type, member and annotations.
 Key<? extends T> LinkedBindingImpl.getLinkedKey()
 Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> LinkedProviderBindingImpl.getProviderKey()

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal that return types with arguments of type Key
 Set<Key<?>> PrivateElementsImpl.getExposedKeys()

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal with parameters of type Key
 Errors Errors.bindingAlreadySet(Key<?> key, Object source)
 Errors Errors.childBindingAlreadySet(Key<?> key)
 void Errors.exposedButNotBound(Key<?> key)
 Object PrivateElementsImpl.getExposedSource(Key<?> key)
 Errors Errors.missingImplementation(Key key)
          We use a fairly generic error message here.
 BindingBuilder<T><? extends T> linkedKey)
 BindingBuilder<T> BindingBuilder.toProvider(Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> providerKey)
 ExposedBindingImpl<T> ExposedBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
 BindingImpl<T> InstanceBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
 BindingImpl<T> UntargettedBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
 BindingImpl<T> LinkedProviderBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
 BindingImpl<T> ProviderInstanceBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
protected  BindingImpl<T> BindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)
 BindingImpl<T> LinkedBindingImpl.withKey(Key<T> key)

Constructors in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal with parameters of type Key
AbstractBindingBuilder(Binder binder, List<Element> elements, Object source, Key<T> key)
BindingBuilder(Binder binder, List<Element> elements, Object source, Key<T> key)
BindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping)
BindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping)
ExposedBindingImpl(Injector injector, Object source, Key<T> key, InternalFactory<T> factory, PrivateElements privateElements)
ExposedBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, PrivateElements privateElements)
ExposureBuilder(Binder binder, Object source, Key<T> key)
InstanceBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Set<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints, T instance)
InstanceBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Set<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints, T instance)
LinkedBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends T> targetKey)
LinkedBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends T> targetKey)
LinkedBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends T> targetKey)
LinkedBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends T> targetKey)
LinkedProviderBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> providerKey)
LinkedProviderBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping, Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> providerKey)
ProviderInstanceBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source, InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory, Scoping scoping, Provider<? extends T> providerInstance, Set<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints)
ProviderInstanceBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping, Set<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints, Provider<? extends T> providerInstance)
UntargettedBindingImpl(Injector injector, Key<T> key, Object source)
UntargettedBindingImpl(Object source, Key<T> key, Scoping scoping)

Uses of Key in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi that return Key
 Key<T> Dependency.getKey()
          Returns the key to the binding that satisfies this dependency.
 Key<T> ProviderLookup.getKey()
 Key<? extends T> LinkedKeyBinding.getLinkedKey()
          Returns the linked key used to resolve injections.
 Key<?> ProviderBinding.getProvidedKey()
          Returns the key whose binding is used to provide instances.
 Key<? extends Provider<? extends T>> ProviderKeyBinding.getProviderKey()
          Returns the key used to resolve the provider's binding.
 Key<String> ConvertedConstantBinding.getSourceKey()
          Returns the key for the source binding.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi that return types with arguments of type Key
 Set<Key<?>> PrivateElements.getExposedKeys()
          Returns the unique exposed keys for these private elements.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi with parameters of type Key
<T> Dependency<T>
Dependency.get(Key<T> key)
          Returns a new dependency that is not attached to an injection point.
 Object PrivateElements.getExposedSource(Key<?> key)
          Returns an arbitrary object containing information about the "place" where this key was exposed.
<T> Provider<T>
TypeEncounter.getProvider(Key<T> key)
          Returns the provider used to obtain instances for the given injection key.

Constructors in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi with parameters of type Key
ProviderLookup(Object source, Key<T> key)

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