Uses of Interface

Packages that use Binder
org.elasticsearch.common.inject Google Guice (pronounced "juice") is an ultra-lightweight dependency injection framework. 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal Guice (sounds like like "juice") 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.multibindings Extension for binding multiple instances in a collection; this extension requires guice-multibindings-2.0.jar Support for binding to string-based names. 
org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi Guice service provider interface 

Uses of Binder in org.elasticsearch.common.inject

Subinterfaces of Binder in org.elasticsearch.common.inject
 interface PrivateBinder
          Returns a binder whose configuration information is hidden from its environment by default.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject that return Binder
protected  Binder AbstractModule.binder()
          Gets direct access to the underlying Binder.
 Binder Binder.skipSources(Class... classesToSkip)
          Returns a binder that skips classesToSkip when identify the calling code.
 Binder Binder.withSource(Object source)
          Returns a binder that uses source as the reference location for configuration errors.

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject with parameters of type Binder
 void PrivateModule.configure(Binder binder)
 void Module.configure(Binder binder)
          Contributes bindings and other configurations for this module to binder.
 void AbstractModule.configure(Binder builder)

Uses of Binder in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal

Fields in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal declared as Binder
protected  Binder AbstractBindingBuilder.binder

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal with parameters of type Binder
 void PrivateElementsImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ExposedBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void InstanceBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void UntargettedBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void LinkedProviderBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ProviderInstanceBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void LinkedBindingImpl.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ProviderMethod.configure(Binder binder)
 void ProviderMethodsModule.configure(Binder binder)
 List<ProviderMethod<?>> ProviderMethodsModule.getProviderMethods(Binder binder)

Constructors in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal with parameters of type Binder
AbstractBindingBuilder(Binder binder, List<Element> elements, Object source, Key<T> key)
BindingBuilder(Binder binder, List<Element> elements, Object source, Key<T> key)
ConstantBindingBuilderImpl(Binder binder, List<Element> elements, Object source)
ExposureBuilder(Binder binder, Object source, Key<T> key)

Uses of Binder in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.multibindings

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.multibindings with parameters of type Binder
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, Annotation annotation)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with annotation.
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with annotationType.
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType, Annotation annotation)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with annotation.
<K,V> MapBinder<K,V>
MapBinder.newMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of keyType/valueType in a Map that is itself bound with annotationType.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, Class<T> type)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, Class<T> type, Annotation annotation)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with annotation.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, Class<T> type, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with annotationType.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<T> type)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<T> type, Annotation annotation)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with annotation.
<T> Multibinder<T>
Multibinder.newSetBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<T> type, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
          Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of type in a Set that is itself bound with annotationType.

Uses of Binder in

Methods in with parameters of type Binder
static void Names.bindProperties(Binder binder, Map<String,String> properties)
          Creates a constant binding to @Named(key) for each entry in properties.
static void Names.bindProperties(Binder binder, Properties properties)
          Creates a constant binding to @Named(key) for each property.

Uses of Binder in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi

Methods in org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi with parameters of type Binder
 void MembersInjectorLookup.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ProviderLookup.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ExposedBinding.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void TypeListenerBinding.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void InjectionRequest.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void ScopeBinding.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void Message.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void TypeConverterBinding.applyTo(Binder binder)
 void Element.applyTo(Binder binder)
          Writes this module element to the given binder (optional operation).
 void StaticInjectionRequest.applyTo(Binder binder)

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